Study Reveals Environmental Concerns About PFAS in Paper Straws and Alternatives

Paper Straws and PFAS Contamination

A European study highlights that more than 90% of eco-friendly paper straws contain PFAS, persistent chemicals linked to health risks and long-lasting environmental effects.

Diverse Straw Evaluation

Researchers assessed 39 types of straws—paper, glass, bamboo, stainless steel, and plastic—for PFAS compounds. The study found that 69% of brands had PFAS, with paper straws showing the highest contamination at 90%.

Health Implications

The prominent PFAS found in paper straws, including perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), can lead to health issues like high cholesterol, weakened immunity, thyroid disorders, and increased cancer risks. Bamboo straws exhibited slightly lower contamination than paper, while steel straws were PFAS-free.

Bioaccumulative Threat

Although experts noted limited immediate health risks, PFAS are bioaccumulative, meaning they accumulate in the body over time. This accumulation raises concerns, even with minimal PFAS contents.
Please read: Paper straws not eco-friendly, more harmful than plastic

Straws and Sustainability

The study raises questions about the sustainability of paper and plant-based straws, given their PFAS contamination. Stainless steel straws emerged as the most sustainable alternative due to their reusability, lack of PFAS, and full recyclability.

Need for Further Research

The Food Additives and Contaminants journal emphasized the importance of more research on PFAS in food-contact materials (FCMs), migration of PFAS into consumables, and associated human risks.

Making Informed Choices

Consumers who opt for straws, either for dental reasons or convenience, are advised to choose wisely. Stainless-steel straws offer a safe and eco-friendly option, aligning with the study’s findings.

Embracing Sustainable Solutions

As the study shines a light on PFAS concerns in various straws, it’s an opportune time to transition to sustainable choices like stainless-steel straws and promote environmental awareness.


The study underscores the need for careful consideration of straw choices and the impact of their materials on both personal health and the environment.

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