NASA Shares Images of 10-Meter Wide Crater on Moon from Luna-25 Crash

Russia’s lunar mission, Luna-25, faced a setback when it crash-landed on the moon’s surface, leaving behind a notable 10-meter-wide crater, as reported by NASA. Luna-25’s unfortunate end occurred due to unintended orbit entry and loss of control. NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) captured images of this fresh lunar crater, shedding light on the aftermath of the incident.

Also read: Russia’s Luna-25 Creates 10 Meter Crater After Crash On The Moon 

A Mark of Luna-25’s Failed Mission

  • Luna-25’s crash resulted in a crater that spans approximately 10 meters.
  • This lunar scar is situated at 57.865 degrees south latitude and 61.360 degrees east longitude, with an elevation of roughly minus 360 meters.
  • NASA suggests that the proximity of this crater to Luna-25’s estimated impact point strongly indicates its origin from the mission, rather than being a natural impact event.

Image Credit : Fox news

Luna-25’s Crash Cause:

  • Luna-25 marked Russia’s return to lunar exploration after a 47-year hiatus, highlighting challenges in its space program.
  • The crash investigation revealed that the spacecraft’s engines, intended for pre-landing orbit placement, remained active beyond the planned duration.
  • This resulted in an uncontrolled descent of the lander onto the moon’s surface, ultimately leading to the mission’s failure.

Roscosmos’s Perspective:

  • Russian space agency Roscosmos initiated a special commission to investigate the Luna-25 crash and ascertain the underlying causes.
  • Yury Borisov, Director General of Roscosmos, emphasized that the prolonged pause in lunar missions played a significant role in the recent failures.

The Luna-25 crash and the lunar crater it created serve as a stark reminder of the challenges and complexities associated with lunar exploration, highlighting the need for continuous learning and improvement in space endeavors.

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